Blue Lily, also known as Blue Lotus (Nymphaea Caerulea) is traditionally consumed in various forms to harness its potential benefits. Common methods include:
Blue Lily Tea: The most popular method is brewing Blue Lily flowers to create a calming and aromatic tea. This method allows for a soothing and gradual absorption of its properties, making it ideal for relaxation and meditation.
Topical Application: Blue Lily essential oil can be applied topically through self-massage, offering both physical and emotional benefits. Its fragrance is believed to promote relaxation and enhance mindfulness.
Aromatherapy: Blue Lily essential oil can be used in aromatherapy diffusers to create a high vibrational calming atmosphere and enhance spiritual practices.
Blue Lily Extracts: Some individuals use concentrated Blue Lily extracts and Blue Lily tinctures to have an immediate effect. It is to be consumed in small doses and during a dieta with intention.
Smoking Blue Lily: In some cultures, Blue Lily is smoked or vaporized, which can produce a faster onset of its mild psychoactive effects.
These various methods allow individuals to choose the consumption form that best suits their preferences and intentions.